
Saturday, October 15, 2022

Don't Say, "Oh, My God!" オーマイガーとか オーマイゴッドとか言わないでください

In recent years, using the phrase, "Oh, my God!" or the Japanese equivelent, オーマイガー or オーマイゴッド has become popular, even trendy in Japan, even among little kids. This phrase is often heard in English movies and media and is often used by native speakers. 

These days, Japanese comedians or celebrities often use it on TV. Japanese people may think it makes them sound cool. However, I always advise my Japanese students not to use it.

This is because the word "God" is actually quite strong and may offend some people. In America, many people are Christians and devout Christians believe it wrong or bad to use this word outside a religious context. 

In the bible, there is a list of ten rules or The Ten Commandments that Christians try to follow. Number 3 is "You shall not take the name of the Lord, our God in vain." Even so, many people, even Christians might use it in a casual way.

Saying "God" is considered a bad word, swear word, vulgar word if used casually. People (mostly men) might say it to themselves. If I drop a plate or stub my toe, I might say, "God damn it!" to myself. Men also often use it with other men or close friends. However, even native speakers would hesitate to use it in public with strangers or if children are nearby.

In general, I always advise my students not to use bad English words or slang. If English students use them, it can sound strange or even offensive to native speakers. You will give the wrong impression and sound rude or uneducated. 

Instead of "Oh, my God!", use a more polite alternative like:

"Oh, my gosh."

"Oh, my goodness." or simply,

"Oh, my!" to express surprise. Using these might actually make you sound more natural. 

Good luck!


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